Source code for nucml.plot.utilities

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import os
import imageio
import io 
from PIL import Image

[docs]def create_gif(directory, extension, name, duration=2): """Gathers all images in a directory and creates a GIF file. Args: directory (str): Path-like string where all images are saved. extension (str): Extension of images to be gathered (i.e. jpg). name (str): Name to save the GIF file as. duration (int, optional): Duration of the GIF file. Defaults to 2. Returns: None """ images = [] for file_name in os.listdir(directory): if file_name.endswith(extension): file_path = os.path.join(directory, file_name) images.append(imageio.imread(file_path)) imageio.mimsave(os.path.join(directory, name), images, duration=duration) return None
[docs]def kdeplot(x, labels=[''], xlabel='', ylabel='', title='', figsize=(15,10), save=False, path=''): """Creates a KDE plot for a given array. Args: x (np.array or list): Numpy array or list of numpy arrays. If a list is given, all provided arrays will be ploted in the same figure. labels (list, optional): If x is a list, this argument represents the labels that will be plotted. Defaults to ['']. xlabel (str, optional): Label for the X-axis. Defaults to ''. ylabel (str, optional): Label for the Y-axis. Defaults to ''. title (str, optional): Title of the plotted figure. Defaults to ''. figsize (tuple, optional): Figure size. Defaults to (15,10). save (bool, optional): If True, the figure will be saved. Defaults to False. path (str, optional): Path-like string where the figure will be saved in case save=True. Defaults to ''. Returns: None """ plt.figure(figsize=figsize) if isinstance(x, list): z = 0 for i in x: g = sns.kdeplot(i, shade=True, label=labels[z]) z = z + 1 else: g = sns.kdeplot(x, shade=True) if len(xlabel) > 0: g.set(xlabel=xlabel) if len(ylabel) > 0: g.set(ylabel=ylabel) if len(title) > 0: plt.title(title) if save: plt.savefig(path, bbox_inches='tight') return None
[docs]def cat_plot(features, df, groupby, top=10, reverse=False, save=False, path=''): """Plots a categorical bar plot. Args: features (list): List of feature names to plot. Every single feature will be plotted individually. df (pd.DataFrame): Dataframe containing the features and data to be plotted. groupby (str): Feature by which the dataframe will be grouped for each bar plot. top (int, optional): In cases where there are a lot of categories, it is a good idea to limit the number of bars in the plot. This argument specifies the maximum number of categories to render. Defaults to 10. reverse (bool, optional): If True, the lowest frequent items are plotted rather than the most popular. Defaults to False. save (bool, optional): If True, the figure will be saved. Defaults to False. path (str, optional): Path-like string where the figure will be saved in case save=True. Defaults to ''. Returns: None """ cat_cols_plot = features for i in cat_cols_plot: for_plotting = df[[i, groupby]].drop_duplicates() if reverse: sns.catplot(x=i, kind="count", data=for_plotting, order=for_plotting[i].value_counts().iloc[-top:].index, palette="GnBu_r", height=15, aspect=2) else: sns.catplot(x=i, kind="count", data=for_plotting, order=for_plotting[i].value_counts().iloc[:top].index, palette="GnBu_r", height=15, aspect=2) plt.title("{} Distribution".format(i)) if save: if reverse: plt.savefig(path + '_{}_reverse.svg'.format(i), bbox_inches='tight') else: plt.savefig(path + '_{}.svg'.format(i), bbox_inches='tight') return None
[docs]def plotly_converter(plotly_object, convert_to="pil"): """Converts a Plotly figure into a PIL image object or a numpy array. Args: plotly_object (object): Plotly object to convert. convert_to (str, optional): Type of file to return. Type can be "pil" or "array". Defaults to "pil". Returns: object: Pil image or numpy array """ fig_bytes = plotly_object.to_image(format="png") buf = io.BytesIO(fig_bytes) img = if convert_to == "pil": return img elif convert_to == "array": return np.asarray(img)