Source code for nucml.model.utilities

import pandas as pd
import os 
import shutil
from joblib import load
import tensorflow as tf
import xgboost as xgb
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error, mean_squared_error, explained_variance_score, median_absolute_error, r2_score
import sys


import nucml.ace.data_utilities as ace_utils

[docs]def regression_error_metrics(v1, v2): """Calculates the MAE, MSE, EVS, MAEM, and R2 between two vectors. Args: v1 (np.array): First array. v2 (np.array): Second array. Returns: dict: Dictionary containing all 5 error metrics in key:value pairs. """ error_metrics = {} error_metrics["mae"] = mean_absolute_error(v1, v2) error_metrics["mse"] = mean_squared_error(v1, v2) error_metrics["evs"] = explained_variance_score(v1, v2) error_metrics["mae_m"] = median_absolute_error(v1, v2) error_metrics["r2"] = r2_score(v1, v2) return error_metrics
[docs]def create_error_df(identifier, error_metrics_dict): """Creates a simple dataframe from the performance metrics dictionary yielded by the regression_error_metrics() function. Args: identifier (str or int or float): String or number used for identifying the created dataframe row. error_metrics_dict (dict): Dictionary containing the performance metrics. Returns: DataFrame """ error_metrics_df = pd.DataFrame({"id":[identifier], "mae":[error_metrics_dict["mae"]], "mse":[error_metrics_dict["mse"]], "evs":[error_metrics_dict["evs"]], "mae_m":[error_metrics_dict["mae_m"]], "r2":[error_metrics_dict["r2"]]}) return error_metrics_df
[docs]def create_train_test_error_df(identifier, train_error_metrics, test_error_metrics, val_error_metrics=None): """Creates a pandas DataFrame containing the error metrics provided by both the train and test dictionaries generated by the regression_error_metrics() function. A validation error metrics dictionary can also be provided. Args: identifier (str, int): Label use for identification of the row. train_error_metrics (dict): Dictionary containing the error metrics for the train set. test_error_metrics (dict): Dictionary containing the error metrics for the test set. val_error_metrics (dict, optional): Dictionary containing the error metrics for the val set. Defaults to None. Returns: DataFrame """ if val_error_metrics is not None: error_metrics_df = pd.DataFrame({"id":[identifier], "train_mae":[train_error_metrics["mae"]], "train_mse":[train_error_metrics["mse"]], "train_evs":[train_error_metrics["evs"]], "train_mae_m":[train_error_metrics["mae_m"]], "train_r2":[train_error_metrics["r2"]], "val_mae":[val_error_metrics["mae"]], "val_mse":[val_error_metrics["mse"]], "val_evs":[val_error_metrics["evs"]], "val_mae_m":[val_error_metrics["mae_m"]], "val_r2":[val_error_metrics["r2"]], "test_mae":[test_error_metrics["mae"]], "test_mse":[test_error_metrics["mse"]], "test_evs":[test_error_metrics["evs"]], "test_mae_m":[test_error_metrics["mae_m"]], "test_r2":[test_error_metrics["r2"]] }) else: error_metrics_df = pd.DataFrame({"id":[identifier], "train_mae":[train_error_metrics["mae"]], "train_mse":[train_error_metrics["mse"]], "train_evs":[train_error_metrics["evs"]], "train_mae_m":[train_error_metrics["mae_m"]], "train_r2":[train_error_metrics["r2"]], "test_mae":[test_error_metrics["mae"]], "test_mse":[test_error_metrics["mse"]], "test_evs":[test_error_metrics["evs"]], "test_mae_m":[test_error_metrics["mae_m"]], "test_r2":[test_error_metrics["r2"]]}) return error_metrics_df
[docs]def make_predictions(data, model, model_type): """Makes prediction using a trained model. Currently handles tensorflow, xgboost, and scikit-learn models Args: data (np.array): Numpy matrix needed for model predictions. The data will be prepared using for TensorFlow, xgb.DMatrix for xgboost, and passed as is for sklearn models. model (object): Trained machine learning model. model_type (str): Type of model being provided. Options include "tf" for TensorFlow, "xgb" for XGBoost, and "sk" for sklearn models. Returns: object: object containing the model predictions. Type will be dependent on model type. """ if str(type(model)) == "<class 'xgboost.core.Booster'>": xg_dataset = xgb.DMatrix(data) pred_vector = model.predict(xg_dataset) elif model_type == "tf": tf_dataset = pred_vector = model.predict(tf_dataset) elif model_type == "xgb": xg_dataset = xgb.DMatrix(data) pred_vector = model.predict(xg_dataset) else: pred_vector = model.predict(data) return pred_vector
[docs]def get_best_models_df(results_df, keep_first=False): """Returns a three row minimum dataframe with the best models based on training, validation, and testing performance metrics. The results_df argument is based on the file generated by the python training scripts including,, and which includes results for all training iterations along with stored model and scaler paths. Args: results_df (DataFrame): Results dataframe created by the model training scripts. keep_first (bool, optional): In some cases there might be duplicates. If True, this will keep the the first instance of a duplicate value. Defaults to False. Returns: DataFrame """ best_train = results_df[results_df.train_mae == results_df.train_mae.min()].drop_duplicates(keep="last") best_train["tag"] = "Train" best_val = results_df[results_df.val_mae == results_df.val_mae.min()].drop_duplicates(keep="last") best_val["tag"] = "Val" best_test = results_df[results_df.test_mae == results_df.test_mae.min()].drop_duplicates(keep="last") best_test['tag'] = "Test" if keep_first: best_train = best_train.head(1) best_val = best_val.head(1) best_test = best_test.head(1) best_train = best_train.append(best_val) best_models = best_train.append(best_test) return best_models
[docs]def load_model_and_scaler(model_scaler_info, df=True, model_only=False): """Loads both the model and scaler given a dataframe with path's specified. Args: model_scaler_info (DataFrame): Must contain a "model_path" and a "scaler_path" feature if a DataFrame is passed. Else, it must contain the "model_path" and "scaler_path" as keys in a dictionary. df (bool, optional): If True, the model_scaler_info variable must be a DataFrame. If False, it must be a python dictionary. model_only (bool, optional): If True, the scaler will not be loaded. Only the model will be loaded. Returns: object, object: returns the loaded model and scaler. """ if df: path_to_model = model_scaler_info["model_path"].values[0] path_to_scaler = model_scaler_info["scaler_path"].values[0] else: path_to_model = model_scaler_info["model_path"] path_to_scaler = model_scaler_info["scaler_path"] model = load(path_to_model) if not model_only: scaler = load(path_to_scaler) return model, scaler else: return model
[docs]def cleanup_model_dir(results_df, model_dir, keep_best=True, keep_first=False): """Deletes unwanted models and scalers. Keeps best models based on training, validation, and testing perfromance if wanted. Args: results_df (DataFrame): The loaded results data file created by the various training scripts. model_dir (str): Path-like string where all model directories are stored. keep_best (bool, optional): If True, it will keep three or more models based on performance. Defaults to True. keep_first (bool, optional): If True, it will keep the first appearance in case of a duplicate rows. Defaults to False. Returns: None """ not_to_delete = [] if keep_best: best_models = get_best_models_df(results_df, keep_first=keep_first) for i in best_models.model_path.values: not_to_delete.extend([os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(i))]) for i in os.listdir(model_dir): if i not in not_to_delete: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(model_dir,i)): shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(model_dir,i)) return None
# # testing = remove_unused_models("../ML_EXFOR_neutrons/2_DT/DT_B1/dt_results.csv", "acedata_ml/U233/DT_B1/")
[docs]def remove_unused_models(model_results_path, acedate_directory): """Finds best models in terms of train, validation and testing sets and deletes all others. It also keeps the best models in terms of multiplication factor. WARNING: Once deleted, other models will not be accessible. Args: model_results_path (str): Filepath to model training results CSV file generated using the model training scripts. acedate_directory (str): Path to the relevant directory were all models for a given algorithm are stored. Returns: None """ model_results_df = pd.read_csv(model_results_path) model_results_df["Model"] = model_results_df.model_path.apply(lambda x: os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(x))) model_results_df["main_directory"] = model_results_df.model_path.apply(lambda x: os.path.dirname(x) + "\\") model_results_df = model_results_df[["Model", "train_mae", "val_mae", "test_mae", "main_directory"]] benchmark_results = ace_utils.gather_benchmark_results(acedate_directory) model_results_df = model_results_df.merge(benchmark_results, on="Model") # KEEP BEST TRAIN VAL TEST # KEEP TOP 3 SORTED DEVIATION ANA to_keep = [] to_keep.extend(list(model_results_df.iloc[model_results_df.sort_values(by="Deviation_Ana").head().index].Model.values)) to_keep.extend(list(model_results_df.iloc[get_best_models_df(model_results_df).index].Model.values)) model_results_df["filtering"] = model_results_df.Model.apply(lambda name: True if name not in to_keep else False) to_remove = model_results_df[model_results_df.filtering == True] for i in to_remove.main_directory.values: shutil.rmtree(i) return None
[docs]def filter_by_parameters(results_df, param_dict): for i in param_dict: results_df = results_df[results_df[i] == param_dict[i]] return results_df
[docs]def get_parameters_from_line(results_df, model="knn"): if model.lower() == "knn": distance_metric = results_df.distance_metric.values[0] mt_strategy = results_df.mt_strategy.values[0] normalizer = results_df.normalizer.values[0] param_dict = {"distance_metric":distance_metric, "mt_strategy":mt_strategy, "normalizer":normalizer} return param_dict