Source code for nucml.general_utilities

import os
import logging
import glob
import shutil
import pickle
import re
from natsort import natsorted

[docs]def get_files_w_extension(directory, extension): """Gets a list of relative paths to files that match the given extension in the given directory. Args: directory (str): Path-like string to the directory where the search will be conducted. extension (str): The extension for which to search files in the directory and all subdirectories (i.e. ".csv"). Returns: list: Contains relative path to each encountered file containing the given extension. """ extension = "*" + extension"GEN_UTILS: Searching for {} files...".format(extension)) files = glob.glob(os.path.join(directory, extension)) files = natsorted(files) return files
[docs]def initialize_directories(directory, reset=False): """Creates and/or resets the given directory path. Args: directory (str): Path-like string to directory to create and/or reset. reset (bool, optional): If True, the directory will be deleted and created again. Returns: None """ if os.path.isdir(directory):"GEN UTILS: Directory already exists.") if reset:"GEN UTILS: Re-initializing...") shutil.rmtree(directory) os.makedirs(directory)"GEN UTILS: Directory restarted.") else:"GEN UTILS: Directory does not exists. Creating...") os.makedirs(directory)"GEN UTILS: Directory created.") return None
[docs]def check_if_files_exist(files_list): """Checks if all files in a list of filepaths exists. Args: files_list (list): List of relative or absolute path-like strings to check for existence. Returns: bool: True if all exists, False if more than one does not exist. """ if all([os.path.isfile(f) for f in files_list]): return True else: return False
[docs]def func(x, c, d): """Line equation function. Used to interpolate AME features. Args: x (int or float): Input parameter. c (int or float): Intercept parameter. d (int or float): Weight parameter. Returns: float: Linear equation result. """ return c * x + d
[docs]def save_obj(obj, saving_dir, name): """Saves a python object with pickle in the `saving_dir` directory using `name`. Useful to quickly store objects such as lists or numpy arrays. Do not include the extension in the name. The function automatically adds the `.pkl` extension to all saved files. Args: obj (object): Object to save. Can be a list, np.array, pd.DataFrame, etc. saving_dir (str): Path-like string where the object will be saved. name (str): Name of the object without extension. Returns: None """ with open(os.path.join(saving_dir, name + '.pkl'), 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(obj, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) return None
[docs]def load_obj(file_path): """Loads a saved pickle python object. Args: file_path (str): Path-like string to the object to be loaded. Returns: object """ with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f)
[docs]def parse_mt(mt_number, mt_for="ENDF", one_hot=False): """Universal ENDF reaction code parser. This internal function is used to parse and format the reaction integer code for internal functions used by NucML. Args: mt_number (int): Reaction channel code as defined by ENDF/EXFOR. mt_for (str, optional): What loader object is requesting the parsing. Options include "EXFOR" and "ENDF". Defaults to "ENDF". one_hot (bool, optional): If mt_for="EXFOR", then this argument specifies if the MT code should be formated for one-hot encoded dataframe. is for a one-hot encoded dataframe. Defaults to False. Returns: str or int: The formatted reaction channel code. """ mt_number = str(int(mt_number)) if mt_for.upper() == "ENDF": if len(mt_number) != 3: mt_number = mt_number.zfill(3) return "MT" + mt_number elif mt_for.upper() == "EXFOR": if one_hot: return "MT_" + mt_number else: return int(mt_number) elif mt_for.upper() == "ACE": if one_hot: return "MT_" + mt_number else: return int(mt_number)
# return mt_number
[docs]def parse_isotope(isotope, parse_for="ENDF"): """This is an internal function that transforms element tags (i.e. U235) into formats appropiate for other internal functions. Args: isotope (str): Isotope to format (i.e. U235, 35cl). parse_for (str, optional): What loader object is requesting the parsing. Options include "EXFOR" and "ENDF". Defaults to "ENDF". Returns: str: Formatted isotope identifier. """ element, mass = re.findall(r'[A-Za-z]+|\d+', isotope) if element.isdigit(): mass, element = re.findall(r'[A-Za-z]+|\d+', isotope) element = element.capitalize() if parse_for.upper() == "ENDF": if len(mass) != 3: mass = mass.zfill(3) return element + mass elif parse_for.upper() == "ENSDF": return mass + element